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Th�s product makes use of software developed by the open source commun�ty. Any such software �s l�censed under the spec�f�c l�cense terms appl�cable to that part�cular 

software (l�ke GPL, LGPL etc). Deta�led �nformat�on on the appl�cable l�censes and l�cense terms can be found on the dev�ce's user �nterface.  
By us�ng th�s product, you acknowledge that you have rev�ewed such l�cense terms and that you agree to be bound by them. Where such terms ent�tle you to the source code 

of sa�d software, that source code w�ll be made ava�lable at cost upon request from A�rT�es. 
To obta�n a copy of sa�d source code, please send your request �n wr�t�ng v�a ema�l to 


 or v�a sna�l ma�l to: 

A�rT�es W�reless Commun�cat�ons 

Gulbahar Mah. Avn� D�ll�g�l Sok. No:5

Cel�k Is Merkez�, Mec�d�yeköy, 34394


A�rT�es w�ll ma�l to you a CD w�th the requested source code at the cost of CD preparat�on and sh�pp�ng&handl�ng. For deta�ls please contact 


