User-setting programs:
Beside the 12 inner systems, the treadmill setup 3 user-defined programs: U1, U2, U3.
1. Continuously press ”PROG.” key until the expected program (U1/U2/U3) display in the standby
condition, while the ”TIME” window flash, display the setting time, press “SPEED+”, “SPEED
-”to set up expected run time, press ”MODE” key to enter program parameter, then set up the
first time period parameter, by ” SPEED +” /” SPEED -” key or shortcut key to set the speed;
press ”MODE” key to finish the first time period setting, and entering the next time period set
ting, until all 20 time period setting. The parameter will be kept permanently until resetting, and
all parameter will not be lost when power off.
Selection and start the user-defined program:
In the standby condition, continuously press ”PROG.” key until the expected user-defined pro
gram U1/U2/U3 display, set up the run time, press ”START” key to turn on the treadmill.
Body Fat Test:
In standby state, press ”PROG.” to enter FAT (Physical fitness test) program. Press ”MODE”
to enter the program of F—1, F—2, F—3, F—4, F—5 (F—1:gender, F—2:age, F—3:height,
F—4:weight, F—5:physical test), Press SPEED +/ SPEED - to set the parameter of 01-04(see
below detailed table), then press ”MODE” to enter the program of F—5 for physical test. At
this state, hold the handle pulse board for 5-6 seconds and it will display the FAT, check if the
weight matches with your height.
2. FAT is to measure the relevance between height and weight, not the body proportion. FAT is
suitable for every man and woman; it provided the important grounds for adjusting the weight
with other health indicators. The perfect FAT is between 20-24, which means if less than 19 is
too thin, and if between 25-29 is overweight and if more than 30 is obesity.
HRC Function (optional)
HRC1 speed limit (Max-4.0km/h), HRC2 speed limit (max-2.0km/h), HRC3 Max
1. HRC setting after repeatedly pressing P button to get to HRC, press M to advance to the next
setting, adjust speed or inclination accordingly
- Age setting:13-80, default 30.
- Target heart rate: (220 minus age) *0.6.
- Target heart rate is changeable, ranging from 0.45 to 0.75 (220 minus age).
- Maximum heart rate: (220 minus age).
2. Speed change:
- Change sequence, HRC detects heart rate every 30 sec.
- If the user’s heart rate is lower than target heart rate by 30 times/min, then speed
increases by 2 km/h.
- If such a discrepancy is within 1-29 times/min, then speed increases by 1 km/h.
- Vice versa, if the user’s heart rate is higher than target heart rate, the speed decreases
and the same rule applies.
3. During the following circumstances, the treadmill will run at 1km/h for 15 sec and then shut
down automatically; in the 15 sec, the treadmill will beep for each second elapsed
A: No heart rate detected for more than one minute
B: Heart rate exceeds (220 minus age)
When a countdown parameter run off, display ”END”, the alarm rings 0.5s every 2s, until the
treadmill full stop, then return to manual mode.