Clear Cleaver Counter
This function was the stored number of [Cleaver Counter] to be reset.
1. Select the [Clear Cleaver Counter].
2. As the confirmation screen “Is it OK to clear?” appears, press ENT key to clear.
It performs, after adjusting Cleaver who is using it.
Battery Discharge
The battery pack (BTR-09) uses Li-ion cells. If the battery is repeatedly charged, the
battery indicator may become different from the actual battery capacity. If such a
phenomenon occurs, execute [Battery Discharge] to reduce the actual remaining capacity
and the battery indicator to zero. Then, recharge the battery pack.
Operation Procedure
1. Insert the battery pack inside the splicer that is intended to discharge completely,
and turn on the power.
2. Change the screen from [Main Menu] to [Maintenance Menu] and execute [Battery
3. The [Battery Discharge] screen is displayed, and the remaining battery voltage is
4. Upon completion of full discharge, the buzzer sounds and the power turn off.
5. Recharge the battery pack.
Cleave Count
The number of times of cleave is
Blade Position
The position of a blade is displayed.
Blade Height
The height of a blade is displayed.
The power saving function turns off automatically during [Battery Discharge].
If the battery pack is almost fully charged, it will take a significant amount of time to
discharge it completely. It is recommended that this function be used after
considerable time of use when the capacity is low.