Chapter 5 Volume Management
5.2 Functions in the Action Area for Volume
ETERNUS Web GUI User’s Guide
Copyright 2011 FUJITSU LIMITED
Click the [Done] button to return to the [Volume] screen.
End of procedure
Expand Volume
This function concatenates a new volume to the selected volume by using the LUN Concatena-
tion function to expand the volume capacity that can be used from the server.
Volume expansion provides the following features:
Volume capacity can be expanded by using the free space in an existing RAID group.
A volume with a maximum capacity of 128TB can be created.
Concatenation can be performed among multiple RAID groups.
Any RAID level can be applied for a concatenation source volume and a concatenation
destination volume. Concatenation can be performed regardless of the RAID level for the
concatenation source volume and the concatenation destination volume.
Data can be accessed from the host in the same way regardless of the concatenation status
(before, during, or after concatenation).
When the number of volumes in a concatenated volume is 15 or less, volumes can be added
to the existing concatenated volume.
Requirements for concatenating a volume
The "Type" is "Standard"
The "Status" is not "Broken", "Data Lost", "Not Supported", "Not Ready", or "Readying"
The [Expand Volume] function is not already being performed
The volume capacity is 1GB or larger
When the concatenation source volume is a concatenated volume, the volume must satisfy
the following requirements:
The number of volumes in the concatenated volume must be 15 or less
The capacity of the concatenated volume must be less than 128TB
Migration is not being performed (the target volume is not used as a migration source or a
migration destination)
There are no Advanced Copy sessions (local or remote)
LDE is not being performed for the RAID group to which the target volume belongs
Encryption is not being performed for the target volume
Requirements to obtain free space from RAID groups
The "Status" is not "Broken"
The RAID group must satisfy the following requirements:
The RAID group must contain Standard volumes, SDVs, or SDPVs
The RAID group must not contain volumes
The RAID group must not belong to a TPP
The RAID group must not be registered as a REC Disk Buffer
The number of volumes registered in the target RAID group is 127 or less
The free space for the RAID group is 1GB or larger
The RAID group must not be blocked