Dynamic Reconfiguration Operation
5.2 Hot plug collaboration function
5.2.5 Naming convention of collaboration program
Naming convention of collaboration program is shown below.
“nn“ must be a two-digital number (one-byte characters) ranging from 10 to 90
Hot plug collaboration function executes the collaboration programs in ascending order of their
collaboration program name. To execute a collaboration program earlier than the other collaboration
programs by installed other packages, assign the collaboration programs with lower numbers than
those assigned to the collaboration programs installed by the other packages. To execute a
collaboration program later than the other collaboration programs by installed other packages, assign
the collaboration programs with higher numbers than those assigned to the collaboration programs
installed by the other packages.
“XXXXX“ represents a collaboration program identifier which constructed by alpha-numeral and
hyphen (one-byte characters)
The recommended identifier for a collaboration program is a name from which the contents of the
program can easily be inferred. To avoid duplicative collaboration program name, head of identifier
should have the package name.
Note: “-“ between “nn“ and “XXXX“ must not be omitted
Naming convention of configuration file of collaboration program is shown below:
“XXXXX“ is character string which specified as collaboration program identifier.
“nn-“ of collaboration program name must be omitted.
An example of a collaboration program name is shown below.
e.g. Package name is FJSVxxx and collaboration program are get-cpu-info and get-node-info
[collaboratino program name]
[configuration file of collaboration program]