Association of an L-Server Name with a VM Guest Name
When installing an operating system manually on the L-Server or using the management console of server virtualization software, select
the L-Server in the orchestration tree, and operate the VM for the
displayed in [Resource Details].
The following name is automatically allocated for
is automatically set by Resource Orchestrator to avoid overlapping of names on server virtualization software if an L-Server with
the same name is created during "
Chapter 21 Resource Folder Operations
For operation without
, refer to "Numbering VM names" in "
Table 17.4 List of Items Specified in the Definition File
". However, L-Servers with the same name cannot be created. Avoid using the same L-Server name more than once.
When creating an L-Server, log off ETERNUSmgr of ETERNUS storage registered on ESC.
When operating NetApp storage in cluster environments and operating a partial system due to system trouble, recover the NetApp
storage and return the system to cluster operation before re-commencing operations.
When the status of the VM host and virtual storage is one other than "normal", the resource will be excluded from L-Server allocation
regardless of its available space.
When operating a VM host in a cluster system, create an L-Server with the storage resources shared between VM hosts specified.
L-Server cannot be created using storage resources that are not shared between VM hosts.
Depending on the [None (Definition only)] checkbox, the power status of an L-Server after its creation is as follows.
Table 16.2 L-Server Power Status after Creation
When Checked
When not Checked
Physical L-Server
Power OFF
Power ON
Virtual L-Server
Power OFF
Power OFF
For details on how to start an L-Server, refer to "
When creating a virtual L-Server, the values in the VM specific information definition file are used even if those values have not been
set in the L-Server template.
If there are discrepancies between the L-Server template and VM specific information definition file (e.g. CPU performance is lower
than CPU Reserve), L-Server creation will fail.
For details on VM specific information definition files, refer to "C.1 Definition Files Commonly Shared when Creating Virtual L-
Servers" and "Chapter 8 Creating Definition Files" in the "Setup Guide CE".
When using dynamic memory or memory weight, the VM host must be either of the following.
Microsoft(R) Windows Server(R) 2008 R2 SP1 or later
Microsoft(R) Windows Server(R) 2012
SCVMM should be one of the following, either of which can manage the VM hosts.
System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008 R2 SP1 or later
System Center 2012 Virtual Machine Manager
When creating an L-Server for which dynamic memory is enabled or memory weight is specified, creation of the L-Server will fail
unless there are a VM host and SCVMM satisfying the conditions above.
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