Laser Detector & Remote Control:
(The remote control is pictured on the right)
Remote Control:
Fit the supplied 2pc x AA alkaline batteries, taking care with correct polarity.
The Remote’s keypad can set the following functions:
1. Rotating speed in increments: slow for Indoors, fast (max) for Outdoors.
2. Scan angles in increments.
3. Scan line position around the room.
4. Auto / Manual (grade) settings via top button (auto/man).
5. Two ARROW buttons to set the required X/Y grades.
- it is often better to use the Remote Control rather than the instrument's
keypad, because then, you do not disturb the laser's sensitive mechanism.
FRD400 Detector:
Fit the supplied 9V battery, polarity marked. Power up via ON/OFF button.
The middle button switches the sounder's volume ON (loud/quiet) or OFF.
The right hand button sets
: coarse (+/-2mm) or fine (+/-1mm) of
the red pick-up window.
A rear LCD repeats the main front display.
Note: the case markings & setting notches.
You can use the detector with or without its staff mounting bracket.
Detector Procedure
– face towards rotating laser to "find" the rotating laser
beam, via the red pick-up window.
If the sun is low in the sky & shining into the red window, shield it with a