based, if a new virtual interface is created. The name of the vir-
tual interface is assigned automatically when it is created.
Shows the name of the virtual interface, if a virtual interface that
has already been created is edited.
Virtual Router IP Ad-
Enter the IP address and the netmask of the virtual router. Here
enter the IP address that you want to use in the local network as
the actual gateway IP address.
To avoid problems in the LAN, the IP Address for advert-
isements and the Virtual Router IP Address cannot origin-
ate from the same subnet.
Virtual Router ID
Select the ID of the virtual router.
This ID identifies the “virtual router” in the LAN and is part of
every BRRP advertisement packet that is sent by the current
Possible values are whole numbers between
Virtual Router Priority
Define the logical priority of the virtual router. Possible values
are between
. The higher the value, the higher the
priority. The value
defines that this virtual router always
functions as master as soon as it is active.
The default value is
The virtual router with the highest priority normally takes over
the master role. After occurrence of a backup case, the ensuing
master-slave role distribution is determined by the parameters
Virtual Router Priority and Pre-empt mode (go back into
master state).
In the Advanced Settings menu you must configure all of the parameters for all virtual
routers identically on all devices in the group. We recommend leaving the preset values.
The menu Advanced Settings consists of the following fields:
Fields in the Advanced Settings menu
Funkwerk Enterprise Communications GmbH
21 Local Services
bintec Rxxx2/RTxxx2