Process by which an IP datagram is divided into small parts in order
to meet the requirements of a physical network. The reverse pro-
cess is known as reassembly.
Unit of information sent via a data connection.
A packet switching method that contains smaller packets and fewer
error checks than traditional packet switching methods such as
X.25. Because of its properties, frame relay is used for fast WAN
connections with a high density of traffic.
Telephone number. Previous service 0130. These telephone num-
bers have been switched to freecall 0800 since January 1, 1998.
File Transfer Protocol
Operating mode in which both communication partners can commu-
nicate bidirectionally at the same time.
Keys on the telephone that can be assigned telephone numbers or
network functions.
Data transmission recommendation for HDSL
Data transmission recommendation for SHDSL
Data transmission recommendation for ADSL. See also G.992.1 An-
nex A and G.992.1 Annex B.
Data transmission recommendation for ADSL: ITU-T G.992.1 Annex
Data transmission recommendation for ADSL: ITU-T G.992.1 Annex
See G.991.2.
Entrance and exit, transition point
Bidirectional communication method in which it is only possible to
either send or receive at a particular point in time. Also known as
Mobile component of wireless telephone units. In the event of digital
transmission, it is also possible to make telephone calls between the
handheld units (DECT).
If the telephone has a microphone and speaker installed, you can
Funkwerk Enterprise Communications GmbH
bintec Rxxx2/RTxxx2