A list of all configured hotspot networks is displayed in the Local Services->HotSpot
Gateway->HotSpot Gateway menu.
Fig. 185:
Local Services
HotSpot Gateway
HotSpot Gateway
You can use the Enabled option to enable or disable the corresponding entry. Edit or New
You configure the hotspot networks in the Local Services->HotSpot Gateway->HotSpot
menu. Choose the New button to set up additional Hotspot networks.
Fig. 186:
Local Services
HotSpot Gateway
HotSpot Gateway
The Local Services->HotSpot Gateway->HotSpot Gateway->
menu consists of the fol-
lowing fields:
Fields in the Basic Parameters menu
Choose the interface to which the Hotspot LAN or WLAN is con-
nected. When operating over LAN, enter the Ethernet interface
Funkwerk Enterprise Communications GmbH
21 Local Services
bintec Rxxx2/RTxxx2