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The Reference Series may also be rack mounted in a standard 19” rack by attaching the optional rack 
ears.  These rack ears mount parallel to the back portion of the Reference Series’ front panel.  These 
optional rack ears are supplied with the necessary hardware and mounting instructions.  The RA-1210 
and RA-1220 require a Furman HRKIT-7 for rack mounting.  When rack mounting, the (4) rubber feet 
located at the bottom of the RA’s chassis may be removed.  Simply loosen the Phillips screw that at-
taches each foot to the chassis by rotating the screw fully counter-clockwise until the foot falls free of the 
chassis. Due to the weight of the Reference series components, we recommend mounting these units at 
the bottom of your rack when choosing a mounting option. When rack mounting the RI-1210, RI-1220 or 
IT-Reference in tandem with your RA, we recommend placing the RA directly above the RI’s or IT-
Reference.  This will allow the unit with the greatest weight to rest at or near the bottom of your rack. 
Once the unit is placed, the detachable AC cord must be attached to the rear panel IEC male socket.  It 
resides in the lower left-hand corner of the rear panel when facing the rear of the unit.  Next, the male 
NEMA-15 connector must be plugged into the appropriate AC socket.  This AC cord will carry substantial 
unbalanced AC current, so it should be dressed away from critical signal carrying cables, or at the very 
least, cross them at a 90-degree angle.  All 3-prong AC cords exiting this unit should be dressed away 
from signal carrying cables as well.  
If the RA-1210 or RA-1220 is used in tandem with one of Furman’s 

Symmetrical Power

 conditioners, the 

RA should 


 the Symmetrical Power Unit.  Simply plug the AC input from the Symmetrical Power 

unit into any of the RA’s analog AC outlets.  In tandem operation, all of your system’s components will be 
supplied from the Symmetrical Power unit, thus taking advantage of its additional filtering.   
For systems incorporating only the RA-1210 and RA-1220, your components may be supplied from either 
the Analog AC outlets. To power any component with a digital processor or switching power supply, we 
recommend the Digital AC outlets.  These four Digital AC outlets feature additional filtering.  Their loca-
tion is clearly labeled on the rear panel of your Reference unit.  The remaining six outlets are for Analog 
components, (units without digital audio conversion, processing, or switching power supplies).  There is 
absolutely no danger in connecting any component (Analog or Digital) to either outlet; there is simply a 
subtle improvement in performance when they are connected to their intended AC outlets.  For those 
who wish to experiment, you may find optimum performance is obtained through a less than obvious 
combination of Digital and Analog AC outlets.  Feel free to experiment or consult your dealer. 
It should be understood that the primary purpose of the Reference Series Stable Power Regulators is the 
correction of AC power lines with sagging or fluctuating voltage.  The RA-1210 and RA-1220 both incor-
porate RFI filtering, but for ultimate performance where low noise and clean, transparent performance is 
critical, the additional use of Furman’s Symmetrical Power line is recommended. 

AC Voltage and Current Meter  

Your RA-1210 or RA-1220 contains a combination precision AC volt/current meter.  This meter continu-
ously monitors either the 


 AC voltage, or the total system AC current draw.  To continuously 

read current or voltage, simply select the setting you wish to monitor by either pressing the volt-
age/current switch for current, or disengaging the switch for voltage.  Since the AC voltage meter indi-
cates incoming voltage, you should not be concerned by readings above or below 120VAC. The RA will 
automatically regulate the output to a continuous 120VAC, when the incoming voltage is within 114VAC 
to 126VAC.  When the RA is properly regulating (a continuous /- 1.5V.), the green 

in regulation


indicator will light.   

Extreme Voltage Protection 

If the incoming voltage drops below 90VAC or rises above 130VAC, the unit’s extreme voltage protection 
circuit will engage. In the case of over voltage, the red over voltage indicator will light.  This circuit shuts 
down the RA’s output, and ensures that your valued equipment will never be damaged by faulty electrical 
work, or a poor AC supply from your utility. 
