Security Finger Lock
Security Lock is use to prevent un-authorized persons to use the FS28. If this function is enabled,
security finger is needed to be checked before log on to FS28. The locked screen is shown as below.
To enable security lock, a security finger is needed to be registered first. The procedure of
registering a security finger is shown below.
Step 1:
select Local Mode.
Step 2:
Go to
4. <Security Finger> / 1. Enrol Security Fin
, follow the instruction to enroll an
security finger.
Step 3:
Go to
4. <Security Finger> / 2. VerifySecurity Fin
, verify the security finger enrolled. If
verify fail, you need to delete that enrolled finger and try to enroll again. To delete an enrolled
finger, go to
4. <Security Finger> / 3. DeleteSecurityFin
Step 4:
If the enrolled security finger is verified success, you can starter using the security lock. Just
turn on the security lock at
4. <Security Finger> / 4.Security Lock On
. Then whenever FS28 is
powered on or wake up from sleep mode, security finger is needed to be checked before entering
the system.
There are total four security fingers can be registered. If all security finger are deleted the security
lock function will be turned off automatically. All security fingers will be assigned in Group 2.
Normal fingers are assigned in Group 1. To delete a security finger, you should go to
4. <Security
Finger> / 3. DeleteSecurityFin
. You should never delete any security finger by using PC software
in USB mode.
If you no longer need security lock, just turn off security lock by
4. <Security Finger> / 4.Security
Lock Off
Admin Passcode Lock
There is passcode lock to prevent un-authorized persons from accessing the admin menu of FS28.
That is user needs to enter 6 digit passcode when he/she presses and holds EXIT button 2 seconds to
enter admin menu.
The passcode lock is default disabled. Administrator can enroll and enable the passcode lock at
4.<security>, the default passcode is "UUUUUU", U stands for UP Button. Just be reminded that
there is no way to retrieve the passcode if it is lost. Administrators are suggested to enroll a security
finger so that they can use it to login the admin menu in case they loss the passcode. If wrong
passcodes are inputted three times, FS28 will ask user to login with security finger even the
"security finger lock" is set to off.