Section 50
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Analog Inputs Setup Screen
For all configured analog input devices, the user may edit:
a) Scaled Minimum -
Minimum engineering scale for the
input when the raw counts are at the raw count offset
Example: 0 PSI for a 0-100 PSI transmitter.
Scaled Maximum -
Maximum engineering scale for the
input when the raw counts are at the raw count raw
count max (total raw counts).
Example: 100 PSI for a 0-100 PSI transmitter.
To calibrate an analog input, change the raw
offset and max settings. The scaled minimum and
maximum settings should match the engineering unit
range for the device.
Moving Average Samples.
(1, 2, 4). Apply averaging
filter to the input.
Raw Count Offset.
Set the lowest raw analog input
counts seen from the device.
Raw Count Span.
Set the highest raw analog input
counts span seen from the device. This number is added
to the raw count offset to equal the actual raw count
The user can view the raw counts of the analog inputs to
calibrate the input by adjusting the offset and max raw
count readings.
NOTE: Typical approximate raw readings for 4-
20mA input:
4mA = 5243 counts
20mA = 26214 counts (5243 + 20971)