g.tec medical engineering GmbH
g.USBamp, USB Biosignal Amplifier: Instruction for use
Page 16
Step 3:
Connect the medical power supply unit to power line with the power line cord.
The green LED of the medical power supply unit must be on. Please contact the manufacturer if the
medical power supply unit is not working correctly.
Step 4:
For EEG recordings p
lace the electrodes with conductive gel to the subject’s head according
to the international 10-20 electrode system
. The electrode impedance should be below 5 kOhm.
Step 5:
Connect the electrodes to the sockets 1
– 16, to the reference and ground sockets of
Step 6:
Switch on g.USBamp with the switch on the rear side (switch position ON).
The correct operation of g.USBamp is indicated by a green LED on the front side. If the LED is not on
please control the power supply connection and the fuse of g.USBamp.
Measuring biosignal data
In measuring mode, all input channels are amplified and each channel is sampled with a 24 bit analog
to digital converter. In default mode the sampling rate is 128 Hz. The DSP performs the bandpass
filtering of each channel between 1 and 30 Hz. Additionally a 50 Hz notch filter is applied. Then the
signal is transmitted via USB to the PC.
Webster, J.G.,(ed.): Medical Instrumentation: Application and Design, p.194-216. Houghton Mifflin: Boston 1992.