g.tec medical engineering GmbH
g.USBamp, USB Biosignal Amplifier: Instruction for use
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Introduction to g.USBamp
USBamp is a high-end biosignal amplifier with USB 2.0 technology from g.tec. The device allows
the acquisition of 16 biosignal channels such as EEG (Electroencephalogram) with 24 bit and a
sampling frequency of 38.400 Hz per channel. The amplifier has 4 potential separated groups with 4
input channels each. This allows to simultaneously record EEG using independent ground electrodes
without interference. The 4 groups can be interconnected to record e.g. 16 EEG channels with the
same ground and reference potentials.
The USB amplifier can be connected directly to a PC or notebook with an USB connector without any
additional data acquisition device needed. 16 analog to digital converters perform the simultaneous
sampling. Each analog to digital converter is operating with 2.4576 MHz and performs a 64 times
oversampling. This results in a sampling rate of 38.400 Hz for each channel. A powerful floating point
DSP performs an additional oversampling and the real-time filtering of the biosignal data. The
sampling frequency can be adjusted between 64 Hz and 38.400 Hz. Therefore, a sampling frequency
of 128 Hz yields to an over-sampling rate of 19.200 with a very high signal to noise ratio.
Furthermore, the device has an internal calibration unit and impedance check. A driven right leg (DRL)
signal for the suppression of power line interference can be generated. Standard electrodes with
safety connectors can be directly connected to g.USBamp. The device is controlled with a C language
Application Programming Interface (C API).