The given Operation manual contains basic information relating to the practical use
of the electrode boilers for the heating systems. By the aggregative technical and economic
indices of effectiveness, including the boiler efficiency, simplicity of installation and
repairing, cost of heating of one square meter of the apartment, specific consumption of
materials per 1 kW of the boiler capacity, etc. the electrode boilers cannot be compared
with any other type of the electric boilers. The areas of application of the electrode boilers
continue to extend confidently.
This Operation manual is intended for the electrode boiler installation specialists,
experts in the installation of the automatic control systems for the electrode boilers,
starting-up and adjustment specialists, experts in maintenance and repairing, and owners of
the boilers.
We thank in advance those who will send remarks and proposals to the address of
the “Firma “GALAN” Joint-Stock Company.
All rights reserved. None of the parts of the given Operation manual can be
reproduced in any form without written permission of the “Firma “GALAN” Joint-Stock
Company which is a copyright owner.
Invention of the electrode boiler is a one of the highest achievements in the area of
creation of the multipurpose heating equipment. A long-term experience of successful
operation shows that electrode boilers are easy operating, reliable, and safety devices. The
boiler efficiency reaches 98%. This is a result of application of one of the best achievements
of the domestic defensive industry in peace purposes. Throughout many years the boilers of
the “Firma “GALAN” Joint-Stock Company are successfully applied in almost all regions of
the Russian Federation, Post-Soviet republics and other foreign countries.
Dear customer!
To use a complete set of advantages of our boilers and to avoid possible annoying
errors in the process of installation of the heating system and boilers and in the course
of starting, further operation, and usage of the electric boilers, we convincingly ask you
to familiarize yourself attentively with the given Operation manual which contains
information relating to the characteristics, construction, operating principle, application,
and rules of installation of the electrode boilers. Also this Operation manual contains
basic requirements imposed on the safety measures, installation, operation, and repairing
of the heating system, registration and maintaining of the working documentation, etc.
The boilers are intended for heating of apartment houses, including country houses,
cottages, multistory apartment houses, garages, baths, premises and buildings of the
domestic, household, trading, public, industrial, and agricultural purpose, and also other
constructions in absence or inefficiency of the centralized heating.
The “Ochag”, “Geyser”, and “Vulkan” instantaneous electrode heating boilers
produced by the “Firma “Galan” Joint-Stock Company (hereinafter referred to as “boilers”)
are used only in the looped heating systems working without extraction of hot water for
household, industrial or any other purposes. These heating systems work on the basis of the
compulsory circulation of the heat-transfer agent (by means of the circulation pump).
According to the recommended most economic mode the temperature on an inlet of the
boiler should lie in the range +35 ÷ +45° С, and the temperature on an outlet of the boiler
should fall in the range +65 ÷ +75° C.
These boilers are made only in Russia.
The specified temperature in the heated premises is supported by the automatics (by
means of the temperature regulator).
The boilers have a long operating mode.
For normal operation of the boiler the following conditions are necessary:
Operation air temperature of the premises in which the boiler is installed
should lie in the range b10 to +35° С; ultimate air temperature of
the premises in which the boiler is installed should fall in the range between
+10 to +40
C (under condition of absence of other requirements);