Below the slider are the Statistics. It displays start time, sampling
rate, data number, and the maximum and minimum of the graph. The
statistics also display the maximum, minimum, and average between
cursor A and B. These will update automatically when moving Cursor
A or B.
When on the Normal Cursor, you can double click on the graph to
open the customization window. You can also click on the “Graph
Option” button at the top of the window. In the
customization window, you can customize your graph style.
Using the PC Software
You can choose a rectangle area on the graph to zoom in for detail.
There are two vertical lines, “Cursor A” (Blue) and “Cursor B” (Red) in
the graph. There are time and value displays on the top and right side
of each cursor. You can move the mouse cursor over Cursor A or B
and click to drag the Cursor left or right. Below Cursor A and B is a
slider that you can click and drag to move Cursor A or B.
You can Zoom in on an area on the graph by using the mouse.
To Zoom:
Left click and hold.
Drag the cursor to select the area you want to zoom in on.
Release the mouse button for the zoom to take effect.