This manual covers all three Galibier models:
The Serac assembly and packing differs slightly from the Gavia and Stelvio.
These differences will be highlighted.
In the US and Canada, the Gavia and Stelvio are delivered in extra-duty
cardboard cartons with encased in laser cut, high density foam. A similar
packing process has been designed for the lower mass Serac.
If your turntable is delivered outside of the US and Canada, your Gavia and
Stelvio will arrive in a single crate containing 3 inner cartons.
We are still working on an overseas shipping solution for Seracs.
Preparation and Unpacking
On more than one occasion, we’ve been told that the most daunting task involves
unpacking your Galibier. We take great pride in carefully preparing your Galibier
for its journey from Colorado to your listening room.
Take a few moments to review this preparation section and packing list in order
to familiarize yourself with the components and their names.
2.1 Preparation:
You will need to supply the following tools and materials:
Philips head screwdriver
A metric ruler long enough to measure your tonearm's pivot to spindle
distance. A 12” / 300mm ruler will suffice.
Alternatively, you may use an English ruler - knowing that there are 25.4mm
to the inch.
Paper towels
Isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol
A soft suface (blanket, towel, etc.) to lay the turntable base upside down to
attach the ground wire to the underside of the bearing.
Extension cord for charging the battery
Your own cartridge setup tools (tracking force scale supplied)
All other tools and materials are supplied with your turntable (see packing list,