Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd.
CENTRIC User Guide, Release 0.3
Connecting Output dry contacts 3 through 6
The connections for output dry contacts 3 through 6 are located in connector group 1 (see Figure
and Table 7). Each of these output dry contacts has 3 pins: COMx, NCx, and NOx (where "x"
is the number of the output dry contact).
When connecting an output dry contact to the external circuit, the connection must be made using
the COMx pin and either the NCx or NOx pin. Use of the NCx pin results in the circuit being
Normally Closed. Use of the NOx pin makes the circuit Normally Opened.
Output dry contacts in action
Upon the occurrence of any of the alarm conditions in Table 4, the output dry contact(s)
associated with that alarm (if any) changes state. Output dry contacts 1 and 2 are always
Normally Open, so they close while the alarm exists. Output dry contacts 3 through 6 will change
state from open to closed or from closed to open, depending on whether the NCx or NOx pin was
used in connecting the output circuit. When the alarm condition ceases, the output dry contact
reverts to its normal state.
Testing an output dry contact
An output dry contact that has been associated with an alarm can be tested without actually
invoking the related alarm condition, by pressing the "Test" button at the bottom of the output dry
contact screen (see Figure 41).
Pressing the test button changes the state of the output dry contact to its "non-Normal" condition
for about five seconds.