IF 610 Installation and Operation Manual
Issue 3, 10/04/00
Firmware Ver. 7
Cable Connections:
SBX1 connector
Interconnection (ribbon cable) to J3 connection on the
bus driver module
SBX0 connector
Interconnection (ribbon cable) to SmartNet adapter.
P1 connector
Laptop interface - use ribbon cable 71332
P2 connector
Normally not used. Jumper JP5 should be placed between
pins 2 and 3
P4 (pins 3 & 4)
System Hardware Reset (momentary short) jumper pins
Bus Driver Module
The bus driver module contains the circuitry that interfaces with the CPU module
and the system modules. The bus driver module is equipped with two Style Y or Z,
limited energy signaling circuits (2 amps maximum each) and a city tie circuit .
The bus driver module provides the system with the following :
Controls the default alarm mode bus if the CPU fails
Monitors system for ground faults
Programmable Signal Circuits (1 & 2)
Auxiliary Power Outputs (A+/A-, S+/S-)
Isolated RS-232 for serial communications
The internal circuitry draws about 18mA from the +24V power supply with both
signal circuits terminated with a 3.9K ohm resistor (with no current draw on the
city tie circuit).
LED1 indicates CPU failure when it is lighted
City Tie
The bus driver module contains three jumpers for city tie programming (J1, J2, &
J3) located in the center of the board. These three jumpers are used to select the
reverse polarity or the master box connection.
For City Tie Programming -
Set jumpers as follows:
Reverse Polarity
J1 and J3
Master Box
Refer to C-M818 Assembly of IF 610 Cabinet. The module utilizes card
identification locations 4 through 7.
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