Section 2. Features & Specifications
Initialization Sequence
Upon power-on, 163-DIG performs a startup sequence countdown. Keep the unit on a flat and stable
surface during initialization. At the end of initialization 163-DIG automatically zeroes.
Zero/Tare allows users to zero the scale for relative measurements, or measurements in different
orientations. Before any compression measurement is taken, the 163-DIG should be zeroed.
After a tare force is removed, the Scale will read a negative value. Press Zero/Tare to re-zero
the 163-DIG.
Hold/Pause (
) allows users to freeze the display on the Scale. Press it again to cancel, or use
Overload Warning
Do not exceed the scale capacity – this can cause permanent damage and void warranty. Refer to
on page 6 for the scales capacity. If the scale is overloaded, the display
shows Err-0 and the load should be removed immediately.
Energy Saver
The scale automatically powers off after 90-seconds of inactivity to preserve batteries. Activity
includes any button presses or change in force measurement.
Table 1: Accessories
Foam Compression Block
Soft Case