. The recording settings for the selected time period will be displayed.
During playback, when a particular channel is selected in full screen, the assigned audio channel will
be played along with the video, through the DVR Audio Out jack.
Adjust the parameter values as desired, and select OK to finish and return to the parameter menu. Other
time periods can be configured in the same manner using the cursor to select blocks on the timebar.
Remember that if SCHEDULE MODE is set to WEEKLY, the recording settings will need to be set
for each day of the week individually, including the various time periods within each day.
: Recording resolutions of either 352x240, 704x240 or 704x480 can be selected for each channel.
: Frame rates between 1 and 30 images per second can be set for each channel.
: Four different picture recording qualities can be set for each channel, from Highest to Low.
: If any audio inputs are connected to the DVR, each of the four audio channels can be assigned to
any of the video channels. A single audio source channel can be assigned to multiple video channels.
NOTE: The default settings for all channels is 352 x 240, at 7FPS, and at the HIGHEST quality level.
NOTE: The DVR supports a maximum recording rate across all channels of 112 frames per
second at 352x240 resolution. As the settings are adjusted, the ‘frames available’ number
at the bottom-left of the screen displays the number of available frames still remaining and
must always be zero or higher. While you are changing recording settings, if this figure
becomes negative, the recording resolutions and/or frame rates must be lowered on some
channels to increase the ‘frames available’ value to zero or above.
Click on the fields for SIZE, FPS, QUALITY, or
AUDIO to change the settings.
Use the button to change the settings.