Pace Chart: A chart showing your pace throughout the activity.
Repeat On: The timer for the last interval plus the current rest (pool swimming).
Repetition: The number of repetitions remaining for the workout.
Respiration Rate: Your respiration rate in breaths per minute (brpm).
Rest Timer: The timer for the current rest (pool swimming).
Set Timer: During a strength training activity, the amount of time spent in the current workout set.
Speed: The current rate of travel.
Speed Chart: A chart showing your speed throughout the activity.
Step Distance: The current distance traveled during the workout step.
Step Pace: The current pace during the workout step.
Steps: The number of steps during the current activity.
Step Speed: The current speed during the workout step.
Step Time: The time elapsed for the workout step.
Stopped Time: The total time stopped for the current activity.
Stroke Rate: Swimming. The number of strokes per minute (spm).
Stroke Rate: Paddle sports. The number of strokes per minute (spm).
Strokes: Paddle sports. The total number of strokes for the current activity.
Sunrise: The time of sunrise based on your GPS position.
Sunset: The time of sunset based on your GPS position.
Swim Time: The swimming time for the current activity, not including rest time.
Temperature: The temperature of the air. Your body temperature affects the temperature sensor. Your device
must be connected to a tempe sensor for this data to appear.
Time in Zone: The time elapsed in each heart rate zone.
Time of Day: The time of day based on your current location and time settings (format, time zone, daylight
saving time).
Time of Day (Seconds): The time of day including seconds.
Timer: The stopwatch time for the current activity.
Total Ascent: The total elevation distance ascended during the activity or since the last reset.
Total Ascent/Descent Gauge: The total elevation distances ascended and descended during the activity or
since the last reset.
Total Calories: The amount of total calories burned for the day.
Total Descent: The total elevation distance descended during the activity or since the last reset.
Training Effect Gauge: The impact of the current activity on your aerobic and anaerobic fitness levels.