Training Load Focus
In order to maximize performance and fitness gains, training should be distributed across three categories: low
aerobic, high aerobic, and anaerobic. Training load focus shows you how much of your training is currently in
each category and provides training targets. Training load focus requires at least 7 days of training to determine
if your training load is low, optimal, or high. After 4 weeks of training history, your training load estimate will
have more detailed target information to help you balance your training activities.
Below targets: Your training load is lower than optimal in all intensity categories. Try increasing the duration or
frequency of your workouts.
Low aerobic shortage: Try adding more low aerobic activities to provide recovery and balance for your higher
intensity activities.
High aerobic shortage: Try adding more high aerobic activities to help improve your lactate threshold and VO2
max. over time.
Anaerobic shortage: Try adding a few more intense, anaerobic activities to improve your speed and anaerobic
capacity over time.
Balanced: Your training load is balanced and provides all-around fitness benefits as you continue training.
Low aerobic focus: Your training load is mostly low aerobic activity. This provides a solid foundation and
prepares you for adding more intense workouts.
High aerobic focus: Your training load is mostly high aerobic activity. These activities help to improve lactate
threshold, VO2 max., and endurance.
Anaerobic focus: Your training load is mostly intense activity. This leads to rapid fitness gains, but should be
balanced with low aerobic activities.
Above targets: Your training load is higher than optimal, and you should consider scaling back the duration and
frequency of your workouts.
About Training Effect
Training Effect measures the impact of an activity on your aerobic and anaerobic fitness. Training Effect
accumulates during the activity. As the activity progresses, the Training Effect value increases. Training Effect
is determined by your user profile information and training history, and heart rate, duration, and intensity of your
activity. There are seven different Training Effect labels to describe the primary benefit of your activity. Each
label is color coded and corresponds to your training load focus (
). Each feedback
phrase, for example, "Highly Impacting VO2 Max." has a corresponding description in your Garmin Connect
activity details.
Aerobic Training Effect uses your heart rate to measure how the accumulated intensity of an exercise affects
your aerobic fitness and indicates if the workout had a maintaining or improving effect on your fitness level.
Your excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) accumulated during exercise is mapped to a range of
values that account for your fitness level and training habits. Steady workouts at moderate effort or workouts
involving longer intervals (>180 sec) have a positive impact on your aerobic metabolism and result in an
improved aerobic Training Effect.
Anaerobic Training Effect uses heart rate and speed (or power) to determine how a workout affects your ability
to perform at very high intensity. You receive a value based on the anaerobic contribution to EPOC and the
type of activity. Repeated high-intensity intervals of 10 to 120 seconds have a highly beneficial impact on your
anaerobic capability and result in an improved anaerobic Training Effect.
You can add Aerobic Training Effect and Anaerobic Training Effect as data fields to one of your training screens
to monitor your numbers throughout the activity.