G3X/G3X Touch Install Manual - GDU 4XX Config and Post Install Checkout
Rev. AC
Page 34-115
Auto Backlight Control:
Button Offset
–Adjusts the bezel backlight to be brighter than display backlight. Bezel lighting appears
dimmer than display lighting when set to the same brightness level. Bezel backlight can brightened by
raising the Button Offset value.
Photocell Brightness
–Sets the minimum and maximum brightness of the display backlight based on the
photocell output.
Photocell Time Constant
–Adjusts the speed (in seconds), that the brightness level responds to changes in
the photocell output.
Lighting Bus Type
–Can be set to 14v Bus or 28v Bus. Bezel keys and display lighting are controlled by
the input voltage on pin 43 (0-14 VDC) or pin 26 (0-28 VDC).
Lighting Bus Min
–Sets the minimum brightness of the display backlight based on the lighting bus input.
Lighting Bus Max
–Sets the maximum brightness of the display backlight based on the lighting bus input.
Lighting Bus Time Constant
–Adjusts the speed (in seconds), that the brightness level responds to
changes in the input level.
Lighting Bus Off Threshold
–Sets the lighting bus off threshold input level. At the threshold level, the
backlighting is turned on per the Lighting Bus Min setting. Below the threshold level, the backlighting
defaults to a Backlight Level of 100%. If the value is set to 0 V, the value will be ignored and the display
brightness will remain at the Lighting Bus Min level for any input level between 0 V and the Min
Brightness level.