Report No. 28-AC-062
Jun 5/14
7-2. General
1. Before the GDL 69AH can be used, the unit must be
activated by XM Satellite Radio with a service
subscription through XM Satellite Radio. The weather
data link and the additional audio entertainment
services must be activated separately.
2. Pilot control of the GDL 69AH is through the interfaced
control and display unit, such as the G1000H.
3. For additional information on GDL 69AH data linked
weather displays and interfaces, refer to the applicable
Garmin Pilot’s Guide listed in Table 1-1.
7-3 Operation
1. For each enabled SiriusXM Weather product, the
system displays a weather product icon and a product
age. The product age is the elapsed time since the
weather provider compiled the weather product. The
product age display does not indicate the age of the
information contained within the weather product,
which can be significantly older than the displayed
weather product age.
2. The weather service broadcasts weather at specific
intervals. If for any reason, a product does not
broadcast within the expiration time intervals, the
system removes the expired data from the display and
shows dashes instead of product age.
3. If more than half the expiration time has elapsed, the
color of the product age changes to yellow.
4. If the data for the weather product is not available, the
system displays ‘N/A’ next to the weather product
symbol instead of the product age.
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