190-00607-02 Rev C
Detailed Operation
ADS-B Traffic
TIS-B Limitations
1. TIS-B is NOT intended to be used as a
collision avoidance system and does not
relieve the pilot’s responsibility to “see
and avoid” other aircraft. TIS-B shall not
be used for avoidance maneuvers during
times when there is no visual contact
with the aircraft. TIS-B is intended only
to assist in the visual acquisition of other
aircraft. No avoidance maneuvers are
provided for, nor authorized, as a direct
result of a TIS-B target being displayed
in the cockpit.
2. Whle TIS-B s a useful ad to vsual traffic avod-
ance, ts nherent system lmtatons must be
understood to ensure proper use.
(a) A plot may receve an ntermttent TIS-B
target of ther own arcraft, typcally when
maneuverng (e.g., clmbng turn) due to the
radar not trackng the arcraft as quckly as
(b) The ADS-B-to-radar assocaton process
wthn the ground system may at tmes have
dfficulty correlatng an ADS-B report wth
correspondng radar returns from the same
arcraft. When ths happens the plot wll see
duplcate traffic symbols (.e., “TIS-B shad-
ows”) on the cockpt dsplay.
(c) Updates of TIS-B traffic reports wll occur
less often than ADS-B traffic updates. (TIS-B
poston updates wll occur approxmately once
every -1 seconds dependng on the radar
coverage. In comparson, the update rate for
ADS-B s nomnally once per second).
(d) The TIS-B system only detects and
uplinks data pertaining to transponder
equipped aircraft. Aircraft without a
transponder will not be displayed as a
TIS-B target. Always assume that there
are more aircraft in the vicinity of your
(e) There s no ndcaton provded when any
arcraft s operatng nsde (or outsde) the
TIS-B Servce Volume, therefore t s dfficult to
know f one s recevng uplnked TIS-B traffic
nformaton. Assume that not all arcraft are
dsplayed as TIS-B targets.
3. Pilots and operators are reminded that
the airborne equipment that displays
TIS-B targets is for pilot situational
awareness only and is not approved as
a collision avoidance tool. Unless there
is an immediate emergency requiring
immediate action, any deviation from
an air traffic control clearance based
on TIS-B displayed cockpit information
must be approved by the controlling
ATC facility prior to commencing the
maneuver. Uncoordinated deviations
may place an aircraft in close proximity
to other aircraft under ATC control not
seen on the airborne equipment, and
may result in a pilot deviation.