190-00607-02 Rev C
Detailed Operation
Airport Surface charts
Airport surface charts provide a graphical presen-
tation of the airport surface area (runways, taxiways,
buildings, towers, and other objects), within the
immediate airport vicinity.
Selecting a Surface Chart
From either the Custom Map or the IFR en route
Map, airport surface charts will automatically be
loaded and displayed as an overlay if the following
conditions are met:
The airport surface chart is within the loaded
The airport surface chart is geo-referenced
Airport Chart menu layer is turned on
The aircraft position is within the coverage of the
A loaded approach chart is not being “flown”
In typical operation, the above conditions are met
when the unit is turned on, meaning that the airport
surface map is displayed as soon as GPS position is
acquired. Note that the Initial Zoom Scale feature
determines the initial zoom scale that is set when the
aircraft is on the ground, which is important when
working with surface charts.
Viewing Surface Charts
The airport surface charts are treated similarly
to approach type charts in that they can be viewed
through both the ChartView Function and on the
Custom Map/IFR Map as an overlay. However, as there
is only one unique surface chart for a given airport, it
does not need to be manually loaded for display. The
nearest available airport surface chart will always be
used. When viewed from the ChartView Function, the
airport surface chart shows up as the first available
chart for the selected airport of interest. Thus, after
selecting the airport of interest, the list of charts will
have an “Airport” entry as the first item in the list. As
with standard approach charts, when viewed from the
ChartView Function, the aircraft’s ownship position is
not shown on the airport surface chart.
Viewing Surface Chart Detail
If an approach chart is currently loaded and being
displayed (aircraft is in the air), it will take priority
over displaying the airport surface chart. Once the
aircraft touches down and the speed drops below the
air/ground transition speed, it is assumed that a missed
approach procedure is not being flown. At this point,
ChartView - Chart