190-00607-02 Rev C
Detailed Operation
Echo Tops
Echo Tops indicate the location, elevation, and
direction the highest radar echo. This is typically asso-
ciated with storms. This may not indicate the top of a
storm or clouds, only the highest radar return echo.
The information is derived from NEXRAD information
and indicates the highest altitude at which precipita-
tion is falling. Refer to the Legend for a description
of the Echo Tops coding. The update rate is every 7.5
key and then press the
key to toggle Echo Tops on and off.
GDL 69/69A FIS Echo Tops
Echo Tops Legend
Cloud Tops and Echo Tops use the same
color scaling to represent altitude. Both products
can not be displayed at the same time. Selecting
Echo Tops automatically disables Cloud Tops.
Winds Aloft
The Winds Aloft selection provides the pilot with
the wind speed and direction. The winds at a given
altitude are selected in the Winds Aloft Alt menu item.
The selected altitude is shown along with the product
time. The update rate is every 12 minutes.
key and then press the
key to toggle the display of Winds Aloft on and
XM FIS Winds Aloft
Winds Aloft Legend
Winds Aloft Altitude
The Winds Aloft Altitude selection provides the
pilot with the ability to select the wind altitude from
the ground up to 42,000 feet in 3,000 foot incre-
ments. When no data is shown at a given altitude, the
data for that altitude has not been received. Wait for
the next update. The update rate is every 12 minutes.
The selected altitude is depicted in the Product Time
window at the bottom of the display.
GDL 69/69A - FIS