p. With the ARRVL annunciator OFF, verify that the DMM voltage is greater than 4.5 VDC.
q. Rotate the inner function knob to turn the ARRVL annunciator ON. Verify that the DMM voltage is less
than 0.3 VDC.
9. External Switches Test:
a. Press the CRSR key.
b. Rotate the outer function knob until the External Switches Test Page is displayed:
c. Toggle APPR SELECT switch on test panel to up position. Verify that the External Switches Test Page
indicates “APPR ON”
d. Toggle APPR SELECT switch on test panel to down position. Verify that the External Switches Test
Page indicates “APPR OFF”.
e. Toggle OBS HOLD switch on test panel to up position. Verify that the External Switches Test Page indi-
cates “HOLD ON”.
f. Toggle OBS HOLD switch on test panel to down position. Verify that the External Switches Test Page
indicates “HOLD OFF”.
10. Altitude Decoder Test:
This test exercises each altitude data line individually. Most altitude codes presented will be
invalid, however, ALTITUDE DECODER LINE SELECT switch positions C1(input line C1 valid)
and C2 (input line C2 valid) indicate altitude readings of -800 and -1000 feet, respectively.
a. Rotate the outer function knob until the Altitude Decoder Test Page is displayed:
b. Turn the ALTITUDE DECODER LINE SELECT switch on the test panel to position D4. Verify that D4 on
the Altitude Decoder Test Page indicates “1”. All other altitude inputs should still indicate “0”.
c. Continue to step through ALTITUDE DECODER LINE SELECT switch positions A1, A2, A4, B1, B2, B4, C1,
C2, and C4. Verify that only one input line (A1, A2, A4, B1, B2, B4, C1, C2, or C4) indicates “1” for each
switch position. All other altitude inputs should still indicate “0”.
d. Turn the ALTITUDE DECODER LINE SELECT switch to RMT ENT position. Verify that all altitude inputs
indicate “0”.