Estimated Error Information (PGRME)
Estimated horizontal position error (HPE), 0.0 to 999.9 meters
Estimated vertical position error (VPE), 0.0 to 999.9 meters
Estimated position error (EPE), 0.0 to 999.9 meters
GPS Fix Data Sentence (PGRMF)
GPS week number (0 to 1023)
GPS seconds (0 to 604799)
UTC date of position fix, ddmmyy format
UTC time of position fix, hhmmss format for GPS 19x HVS
GPS leap second count
Latitude, ddmm.mmmm format for GPS 19x HVS (leading zeros must be transmitted)
Latitude hemisphere, N or S
Longitude, dddmm.mmmm format for GPS 19x HVS (leading zeros must be transmitted)
Longitude hemisphere, E or W
Mode, M = Manual, A = Automatic
Fix type, 0 = no fix, 1 = 2D fix, 2 = 3D fix
Speed over ground, 0 to 1851 kilometers/hour
Course over ground, 0 to 359 degrees, true
Position dilution of precision, 0 to 9 (rounded to nearest integer value)
Time dilution of precision, 0 to 9 (rounded to nearest integer value)
Map Datum (PGRMM)
The Garmin Proprietary sentence PGRMM gives the name of the map datum currently in use by the GPS sensor.
This information is used by the Garmin MapSource real-time plotting application.
Name of map datum currently in use (variable length field, for example, “WGS 84”)
Sensor Status Information (PGRMT)
The Garmin Proprietary sentence PGRMT gives information concerning the status of the GPS sensor. This sentence
is transmitted once per minute regardless of the selected baud rate.
Product, model and software version (variable length field, for example, “GPS 19x HVS VER 2.05”)
No Effect (This field is not used on this model and is included only for backward compatibility)
No Effect (This field is not used on this model and is included only for backward compatibility)
No Effect (This field is not used on this model and is included only for backward compatibility)
No Effect (This field is not used on this model and is included only for backward compatibility)
No Effect (This field is not used on this model and is included only for backward compatibility)
No Effect (This field is not used on this model and is included only for backward compatibility)
No Effect (This field is not used on this model and is included only for backward compatibility)
No Effect (This field is not used on this model and is included only for backward compatibility)
3D Velocity Information (PGRMV)
True east velocity, -514.4 to 514.4 meters/second for GPS 19x HVS
True north velocity, -514.4 to 514.4 meters/second for GPS 19x HVS
Up velocity, -999.9 to 999.9 meters/second for GPS 19x HVS