Total number of ALM sentences to be transmitted by the sensor board during
almanac download. This field can be null or any number when sending almanac
to the sensor board.
Number of current ALM sentence. This field can be null or any number when
sending almanac to the sensor board.
Satellite PRN number, 01 to 32.
GPS week number.
SV health, bits 17-24 of each almanac page.
Almanac reference time.
Inclination angle.
Rate of right ascension.
<10> Root of semi major axis.
<11> Omega, argument of perigee.
<12> Longitude of ascension node.
<13> Mean anomaly
<14> afo clock parameter
<15> af1 clock parameter
Sensor Initialization Information (PGRMI)
The $PGRMI sentence provides information used to initialize the sensor board set
position and time used for satellite acquisition. Receipt of this sentence by the board
set causes the software to restart the satellite acquisition process. If there are no
errors in the sentence, it will be echoed upon receipt. If an error is detected, the
echoed PGRMI sentence will contain the current default values. Current PGRMI
defaults can also be obtained by sending $PGRMIE to the board.
Latitude, ddmm.mmm format (leading zeros must be transmitted)
Latitude hemisphere, N or S
Longitude, dddmm.mmm format (leading zeros must be transmitted)
Longitude hemisphere, E or W
Current UTC date, ddmmyy format
Current UTC time, hhmmss format
Receiver Command, A = Auto Locate, R = Unit Reset.
Sensor Configuration Information (PGRMC)
The $PGRMC sentence provides information used to configure the sensor board
operation. Configuration parameters are stored in non-volatile memory and retained