U S U / N A S A G E O S P A T I A L E X T E N S I O N P R O G R A M
O n T a r g e t 2 0 0 5
Map Page
Map page
is extremely handy if you want to visualize all of your previously re-
corded waypoints. This page allows you to zoom in or out for more or less detail, depending
on your needs and the distances between all of the waypoints.
Also, it contains maps of virtually any city in the United States and can give you at least a
rough estimate of street locations and other landmarks. In fact, it can guide you where you
need to go and tell you what exit to use and which direction to turn. For highly detailed
maps of cities, you can download them for a certain fee from Garmin’s website.
(www.garmin.com) This is more complicated stuff than we are going to go over however,
so if you want more information about routes, refer to the owners manual. Here is an exam-
ple of a map from the map page.
- If you were to zoom in, you could see all of the waypoints in the city in which they are lo-
cated. In this example, it is Logan UT.
We hope this booklet has helped you achieve a better understanding and working knowl-
edge of useful everyday applications that your GPS unit can do for you.
Written by: Rachel Smith, graduate student in sustainable agriculture, Utah State University
For more information, contact:
Philip Rasmussen, PhD
4820 Old Main Hill
Logan, Utah 84322