U S U / N A S A G E O S P A T I A L E X T E N S I O N P R O G R A M
O n T a r g e t 2 0 0 5
4 You may need to reset the
Area Calculation
. Hit the
button once and select reset when the op-
tions pop up.
5. Press
and begin walking around the perimeter of the field that you want to calculate an area
for. The screen displays your progress. Zoom in or out to view your tracks.
6. Slightly before you return to your starting point, click on
. Your receiver will automatically
complete the loop with a straight shot from your current position to your starting point. Both perimeter
distance and enclosed area values will be displayed in appropriate units. To change area units, highlight
and click on the unit abbreviation to bring up a selectable list of choices.
7. If the calculated solution is of value to you, name and save the track. However, before you hit save,
you should record the data elsewhere. Once a track log is saved, the total number of track points is con-
densed and less precision is displayed.
8. Don’t worry if, when you’re walking, trees obstruct the satellites’ view. they will connect the dots on
the tracks and points they were able to obtain before you walked in a “dark area.” You still need to view
the track to make sure that the whole picture is still the same and no changes need to be made.
9. To view all of the saved tracks, go to
Main Menu
Note: In the old Legend, one could estimate area and perimeter by a route
method, but it does not work in the same way with the GPSmap 60
as it did in the Legend. So with the routes option, the only thing you can
do is navigate to a particular point along the way that you marked