Section 2
Controls and Display
Section 2: Control and Display
TIS Traffic Display Status and Pilot Response
• STBY — When the 400/500 displays STBY in the upper right hand corner of the display the TIS
system is in standby mode and cannot display traffic data.
• OPER — When the 400/500 displays OPER in the upper right hand corner of the display the
TIS system is in operational mode and available to display traffic on the Traffic or Map Page.
• AGE — If traffic data is not refreshed within 6 seconds, an age indicator (e.g., “AGE 00:06”) is
displayed in the lower right corner of the display (when displaying traffic). After another 6
seconds, if data is still not received, the traffic is removed from the display. The pilot should be
aware that the quality of displayed traffic is reduced in this condition.
• TRFC CST — The ‘TRFC CST’ (traffic coasting) banner located above the AGE timer indicates
that displayed traffic is held even though the data is stale. The pilot should be aware that the
quality of displayed traffic is reduced in this condition.
• TRFC RMVD — The ‘TRFC RMVD’ banner indicates that traffic has been removed from the
display due to the age of the data being too old to “coast” (for the time period of 12-60 seconds
from the last receipt of a TIS message). The pilot should be aware that traffic may be present but
not shown.
• UNAVAIL — When a 60 second period elapses with no data, TIS is considered to be
unavailable. This state is indicated by the text ‘UNAVAILABLE’ (500 Series) and ‘UNAVAIL’
(400 Series). The pilot should be aware that ‘UNAVAIL’ could indicate a TIS coverage
limitation due to a line-of-sight situation, a low altitude condition, or a result of flying directly
over the radar site providing coverage (cone of silence).
• NO DATA — ‘NO DATA’ is displayed when no data is being received from the GTX 330. The
pilot should be aware that this status may be a normal mode of operation in a dual transponder
installation where the GTX 330 with TIS is not the selected transponder.
• DATA FAIL — ‘DATA FAIL’ is displayed when data is being received from GTX 330, but there
was a failure detected in the data stream. The pilot should see the installer for corrective action.
• FAILED — ‘FAILED’ is displayed when the GTX 330 has indicated it has failed. The pilot
should see the installer for corrective action.
Traffic Age Indication showing “traffic coasting”.
Traffic Page displaying ‘TRFC RMVD’ banner.