GSU 75 ADAHRS Installation Manual
Rev. 6
Page 5-8
5.7 Calibration Procedure D: Engine Run-Up Vibration Test
Calibration Procedure D is required for all installations to validate the vibration
characteristics of the installation. Calibration Procedures A-1 through C are not required
prior to this procedure.
1. Initiate the AHRS engine run-up vibration test procedure by performing the following steps:
a) If the PFD is not displaying the GSU/GMU CALIBRATION configuration page, follow
steps from calibration procedure A-1 listed previously.
b) The FMS small knob can now be used to select which calibration/validation procedure to
run. Select ENGINE RUN-UP TEST and press the ENTER key. If the ENGINE RUN-UP
TEST selection is still blinking, press the ENTER key again.
c) Follow the checklist items displayed on the PFD, and press the ENTER key as each one is
completed or confirmed. When the CALIBRATE field is blinking, press the ENTER key to
begin the procedure.
2. The PFD display instructs the operator to gradually increase power from idle to full throttle and
back to idle over the course of a couple of minutes.
3. When the operator has completed the engine run-up and the engine is back to an idle setting, press
the ENTER key to indicate that the process is complete. When this is done, the TEST
COMPLETE field stops blinking.
4. The PFD informs the operator if the installation has passed or failed the vibration test. If the test
fails, the specific measurements causing the failure are identified and numeric values are displayed
on the PFD. Use the FMS small knob to scroll through and view the entire list of failed
If failures are indicated, the engine run-up test may be repeated up to three times. If the test does not pass
after three attempts, then the installation should be considered unreliable until the source of the vibration
problem is identified and remedied.
When the engine run-up test fails repeatedly, record the values that are reported to be out of range for
future reference.
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