Trendy Places
Garmin is not responsible for the accuracy or timeliness of the Tripadvisor or Michelin
information. You are
responsible for understanding and complying with any applicable rules, laws or regulations associated with
points of interest.
The Trendy Places search feature includes both Tripadvisor and Michelin points of interest and ratings,
providing a comprehensive list of attractions. You can filter the search results by categories, ratings and
distance from the route.
Performing a Trendy Places Search
1 Select Trendy Places.
2 Select Search Filters to filter the displayed points of interest by category or rating (optional).
3 Select , and enter a search term (optional).
Finding an address
NOTE: the order of the steps may change depending on the map data loaded on your device.
1 Select Where To?.
2 If necessary, select to search near a different town or area.
3 Select Address.
4 Follow the on-screen instructions to enter address information.
5 Select the address.
Finding and saving locations