Important Information for First Time Users About
Operating a Marine Radio
If you are a first time user of a marine radio, you should be aware
of methods for operating your GARMIN VHF 725. Although, as
explained on page iii, a Federal Communication Commission (FCC)
license is no longer required for individual operator use, you must
comply with all applicable FCC rules and regulations. We recommend
that you obtain a copy of the “Maritime Radio Users Handbook” an
authoritative handbook prepared by the Radio Technical Commission
for Maritime Services, Post Office Box 19087, Washington, D.C.
In some instances, such as commercial vessels, operators are
required to obtain a license. You can obtain a license application from
your nearest FCC field office. It is your responsibility to determine if
you are required to apply for a license. If you have questions about
the use of your marine radio you can contact the FCC Call Center at
For safety and efficient navigation of vessels, the maritime radio
frequency bands are separated into four groups. Specific frequencies
within each are assigned for particular safety and functional applica-
tions, such as ship to shore communications, US Coast Guard use,
and navigation in waterways and ports. You may not have access to
some which are not-for-public-use frequencies, and you are required
to monitor and use others which are safety and navigational proce-
dure frequencies.
Radio Services