Several books are especially recommended
for users of Garrett's Investigator G-500 metal
detector. Effective Ground Searching by
Charles Garrett is a comprehensive guide to
crime scene investigation and other types of
law enforcement and security searching with a
modern metal detector. This illustrated book, a
pacesetter in the fields of law enforcement and
security, supplements much of the material in
this Operator's Manual.
You may also be interested in a pocket-sized
guide An Introduction to Metal Detection. This
inexpensive and easy-to-read handbook will
provide basic information on just how and why
your Investigator G-500 performs as it does. It
too is an effective supplement to this
Operator's Manual.
Concerned primarily with security scanning
with the Magnascanner (walk-through) and
Super Scanner detectors, Effective Security
Screening and School Security Screening are
written authorization to ship collect by air par-
cel post, UPS Blue (air) or air freight.
PN 1529570 Rev B
Garrett G-500