Multi Gas Clip Simple Plus User’s Manual
UM MGC-S-PLUS v1.00a
Portable gas detectors you can count on
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MGC-S Dock
(P/N: MGC-S-DOCK) - Portable, chargeable all-in-one docking station in durable carry case for automated
4-detector simultaneous bump testing, calibrating, record keeping and programming - Also available in Hi-Pressure version
MGC-S Wall Mount Dock
(P/N: MGC-S-WMDOCK) - Same capabilities as a portable docking station that can be wall mounted
or stand alone - Also available in Hi-Pressure version
(P/N: GCT-IR-LINK) – Infrared communications device and USB cable used for communications between detector
and computer to easily make firmware updates, adjust detector settings and record data
MGC-S External Dust Filter Kit
(P/N: MGC-S-XFILTER-KIT) - MGC-S External dust filter cap plus 5 filters
MGC-S External Dust Filter Replacements
(P/N: MGC-S-XFILTER-10) - 10 pack of replacement external filters
MGC-S Confined Space Kit
(P/N: MGC-S-CSK) - Hard-sided Carrying Case with Foam Insert, 1 ft. Sampling Probe, Air Stone
Particulate Filter, MGC-S Calibration Cap, 10 ft. Sampling Hose and 3 ft. Calibration/Test Hose with Quick Connect, Hand
Aspirator Pump Assembly, 0.5LPM regulator and GCT IR Link. Also available with gas (P/N: MGC-S-CSK-GAS)
Replacement Air Stone Particulate Filter
(P/N: MGC-PF) - Pack of 3
MGC-S Hand Aspirator Kit
(P/N: MGC-S-HAK) - 1 ft. Sampling Probe, Air Stone Particulate Filter, MGC-S Calibration Cap, 10 ft.
Sampling Hose and 3 ft. Calibration/Test Hose connected to Hand Aspirator Pump Assembly
Sampling Probe
(P/N: MGC-PROBE-1) - 1 ft. Remote Sampling Probe
Replacement Filters & Gaskets for Sampling Probe
Replacement In-line Water Trap Filter for Sampling Probe
Calibration Gas
- 25 ppm H2S, 100 ppm CO, 18% O2 and 50% LEL (2.5% vol. Methane)
58 L Quad Gas Cylinder (P/N: MGC-Q-58)
116 L Quad Gas Cylinder (P/N: MGC-Q-116)
Calibration/Test Hose
(MGC-CALHOSE3) – 3 ft. Long 1/8” ID tubing
Manual Regulator
(P/N: SGC-REG) – Regulator for manually bump testing or calibrating
MGC-S Calibration Cap
(P/N: MGC-S-CALCAP) – Replacement Calibration Cap
Sampling Hose
(P/N: MGC-SAMPHOSE) – 1/8” ID tubing sold by the foot