Group Four Transducers
22 Deer Park Drive,
E. Longmeadow, MA 01028
Phone : (800) 419 1444
Fax : (413) 525 -6182
Rev 0
5.6 Calibration Settings
Calibration Settings are password protected. Default password (123456).
Quick Calibration
Set DP
Set the decimal point position - this allows the decimal point to be positioned
anywhere between leftmost 3-digit .Permitted values are 1, 2 and 3.
Set AG
This is the reference point for the calibration under load. The weight signal used for
calibration should be as close as possible to the maximum allowable display value (
) so as to ensure optimum calibration accuracy. When calibrating the span, the
actual value of the calibration weight must be entered as a parameter of the AG.
For example if the output 500lb is required for the weight placed on the scale, then the
005000 counts should be entered in to the display when DP is 1.
Unit of measure for the calibrated weight. This is the reference point for the lb to kg conversion.
Unit of measure can be selected as lb or kg.
Set the calibration zero point - this is the reference point for all weight calculations. Make sure
there is no any weight on the scale when performing this function, Also it will give an Error if there is
any motion on the scale.
Set the calibration gain - this is the reference point for the calibration
under load. Placed the weight on the scale that was entered under the AG value and select CG. It will
Save the calibration using this setting.
Maximum Capacity -
Set the maximum allowable output value using this setting. This setting can be
set to 0
. From this parameter the value of maximum capacity can be view or edit.
Default 999999
Minimum Capacity -
Set the minimum allowable output value using this setting. Permitted values for
this parameter are between the lower limit of -999999 and the upper limit of 0.This value will
. From this parameter the value
the display.
Default (-999999)
Zero Range
This is the range in increments within which the weighing scale can be zeroed.
Permitted values are between the lower limit of 0 and the upper limit of 999999. A value of zero
enables the standard zero range of +/-2% of max. The value of zero range can be view or edit. When
Default 0