Liquid lunches
Fresh vegetable soup with noodles
serves 4:
1 small tomato
1 small onion, peeled and trimmed
2 carrots
1 green capsicum, base removed and seeded
1 tablespoon butter
1 tablespoon wholemeal flour
375ml vegetable stock
425g canned baked beans
1 packet 2 Minute Noodles
Freshly ground black pepper
Process tomato, onion, carrots and green pepper
through juicer. Melt butter in a large saucepan
over a medium heat. stir in flour, cook for one
minute, stirring constantly.
stir in the extracted juice, vegetable stock and
baked beans. Bring to the boil, then reduce
heat and allow to simmer for 10 minutes. Add
noodles, cook for 2 minutes or until noodles are
tender. Pour into 4 soup bowls, sprinkle with
black pepper to taste and serve immediately.
serves 4:
4 medium tomatoes
4 sprigs fresh parsley
1 large clove garlic, peeled
1 small onion, peeled and trimmed
2 carrots
2 stalks celery
1 red capsicum, base removed and seeded
1 lebanese cucumber
2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
freshly ground black pepper
1 cup crushed ice
3 tablespoons chopped fresh basil
Process tomatoes, parsley, garlic, onion, carrots,
celery, red capsicum and cucumber through
stir in vinegar and black pepper. Arrange ice in
four soup bowls. Pour in extracted juice, sprinkle
with basil and serve immediately.
Pasta with provencal style sauce
serves 4:
4 tomatoes
2 sprigs fresh parsley
1 stick celery
2 large cloves garlic
1 small onion, peeled and trimmed
1 red capsicum, base removed and seeded
1 tablespoon tomato paste
1/2 cup red wine
2 teaspoons dried oregano
500g cooked pasta
3 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
Process tomatoes, parsley, celery, garlic, onion
and red capsicum. Blend tomato paste with
red wine, stir in the extracted juice. Pour into a
saucepan and cook over medium heat for 3-4
minutes. Add pasta and toss to coat pasta well.
mixture between 4 serving bowls. sprinkle with
oregano and Parmesan cheese. serve immediately.
Mango, rockmelon and orange yogurt drink
serves 4:
1 mango, halved, peeled and seeded
1/2 small rockmelon, peeled, seeded and
cut into two equal portions
5 oranges, peeled
3 tablespoons natural yogurt
Process mango, rockmelon and oranges through
juicer. Pour into a large bowl whisk in yogurt.
serve immediately.
energy fuel
grape, kiwi fruit and berry booster
grapes contain potassium and iron, providing
a great pick-me-up after a strenuous day.
Makes 6 cups:
500g green seedless grapes, stems removed
2 kiwi fruit, peeled
250g strawberries, hulled
500ml skim milk
2 tablespoons powdered protein drink mix
1/2 cup crushed ice
Process grapes, kiwi fruit and strawberries
through juicer. Mix in milk, protein drink mix
and crushed ice. serve immediately.
Beetroot, carrot and orange quencher
8 carrots
2 small beetroot, trimmed
1/4 cup fresh mint leaves
4 oranges, peeled
Process carrots, beetroot, mint leaves and
oranges through juicer. serve immediately.
Apricot, apple and pear sparkle
Makes 4 cups
4 large apricots, halved and seeded
4 small red apples
3 medium pears
250ml sparkling mineral water
1/2 cup crushed ice
Process apricots, apples and pears through
juicer. stir in mineral water and ice. serve
Spirited juices
coconut pineapple colada
Makes 4 cups:
1/2 coconut, peeled and halved
1/2 large pineapple, peeled and quartered
3 tablespoons Malibu liqueur
500ml soda water
1 cup crushed ice
Process coconut and pineapple through juicer.
stir in liqueur and soda water. scoop ice into 4
tall glasses, pour over juice mixture, mix well to
combine. serve immediately.
Bloody Mary
Makes 4 cups
4 medium tomatoes
2 sticks celery
1 large red capsicum, base removed
and seeded
1/3 cup Vodka
1 cup crushed ice
Process tomatoes, celery and red capsicum
through juicer. stir in Vodka. scoop ice into 4
glasses, pour over tomato mixture, mix well to
combine. serve immediately.
Honeydew dream
Makes 4 cups:
1 honeydew melon, peeled, seeded
and quartered
3 tablespoons Midori liqueur
500ml soda water
1 cup crushed ice
Process honeydew melon through juicer. stir in
liqueur and soda water. scoop ice into 4 tall
glasses, pour over melon mixture, mix well to
combine. serve immediately.
Peach and mint julep
Makes 4 cups:
6 peaches, halved and seeded
1/2 cup fresh mint leaves
2 tablespoons creme de Menthe
2 teaspoons sugar
1/2 cup crushed ice
500ml mineral water
Process peaches and mint leaves through
juicer. stir in creme de Menthe and sugar.
scoop ice into 4 glasses, pour over peach mix-
ture, mix well to combine. serve immediately.