Troubleshooting 91
Video problems
The system is running but there is no display.
Probable Cause
The monitor is not
turned on.
Make certain the monitor is plugged in and
turned on. If power is applied to the monitor,
the green power LED should illuminate.
The monitor data cable
is not connected.
Make certain the monitor’s data cable is
connected to the video controller on the back of
the system.
The connector or cable
is damaged.
Check the connector and cable for bent or
damaged pins.
The monitor is
Connect a working monitor to the computer.
The monitor
brightness and
contrast controls are
turned down.
Adjust the brightness and contrast knobs to the
center position.
The video card is not
seated correctly.
(Instead of a card,
some systems have a
built-in video adapter
that cannot be
Open the system and reseat the video card.
The video card is not
compatible with the
system. (Instead of a
card, some systems
have a built-in video
adapter that cannot be
PCI video cards must be compatible with the
system. Replace the card with one that is
compatible with the system. Page 91 Tuesday, December 22, 1998 2:04 PM