DC power generated by the photovoltaic system can be conver ted into AC
power and fed into the grid. Policies on connecting renewable energy
system to the grid var y from region to region. Consult senior system
designer before designing the system. Generally, the system installation
shall be formally approved by the local public sector.
General Installation
Installation struc ture should be compatible with aluminum frame of module, in order
to avoid galvanic corrosion. Any defec ts caused by such corrosion will void the
warrant y.
Negative grounding is recommended during installation of Modules to prevent PID
effec t.
Positive and negative par t of the module should use the same t ype of connec tor for
elec trical connec tion.
It is forbidden for non-professionals to open the lock nuts of the connec tor.
Make sure that the connec tors are clean, dr y and fully connec ted (A click sound should
be heard when fully connec ted), other wise it may lead to elec tric arc spark s which will
damage the connec tor or cause a fire.
All elec trical components should have ratings equal or greater to the system rating. Do
not exceed the maximum of system voltage marked on the module label.
Under normal conditions, a Module may produce more current and/or voltage than
repor ted at standard test conditions. Accordingly, the values of ISC and Voc marked on
the Module should be multiplied by a fac tor of 1. 25 when determining component
voltage ratings, current ratings, fuse sizes, and size of controls connec ted to the PV
Completely cover the Modules with an opaque material to prevent elec tricit y from
being generated during disassembling the conduc tors.
GCL System Integration Technology Co.,Ltd
Bringing Green Power to Life