Page 13
Segment 2:
1 = Zone and Box Tamper and Tamper Restore.
2 = Auxiliary Power Overcurrent, Ground Fault, and Restore for both.
3 = Wireless Sensor Missing and Restore.
4 = Wireless Sensor Low Battery and Restore.
5 = Expander Trouble and Restore.
6 = Fail To Communicate.
7 = Reserved.
8 = Reserved.
LOCATION 5 - PARTITIONS REPORTED TO PHONE #1 (1 segment, feature selection data)
Location 5 is used when events to be reported to a phone number are based upon the partition regardless of the
event. If this location is used, location 4 should be programmed as "0".
Segment 1:
1 = Partition #1
2 = Partition #2
3 = Partition #3
4 = Partition #4
5 = Partition #5
6 = Partition #6
7 = Partition #7
8 = Partition #8
LOCATION 6 - PROGRAMMING PHONE #2 (20 segments, numerical data)
Phone #2 is programmed in location 6. A "14" indicates the end of the phone number. Delays of four seconds can be
programmed at any point in the phone number by programming a "13" in the appropriate segment. If tone dialing is
desired, program a "15" in the segment where tone dialing should begin. If the entire number should be tone dialing,
program a "15" in the first segment. Program an
11" for a
, and a
12" for a
LOCATION 7 - ACCOUNT CODE FOR THE PHONE #2 (6 segments of numerical data)
The account code sent when Phone #2 is dialed is programmed in location 7. Program a
10" in the segment
immediately after the last digit of the account code. If the account code is 6 digits long, program all 6 segments. If
this location is left unprogrammed, account code 1 will be used when the second phone number is dialed.
LOCATION 8 - COMMUNICATOR FORMAT FOR PHONE # 2 (1 segment, numerical data)
Location 8 contains the communicator format used to transmit to the receiver connected to Phone #2. Consult the
instruction manual for your central station receiver to determine which format is compatible, and select from the 15
formats listed on page 12. If you require a format other than those listed, review the override options described in
Location 18 to build the appropriate format. A "15" must be programmed in location 8 in addition to the entries in
location 18 in order to create a special format. If this location contains a "0", format 1 will be used when Phone #2 is
LOCATION 9 - DIAL ATTEMPTS/BACKUP CONTROL FOR PHONE #2 (2 segments, numerical data)
Segment 1, Dial attempts: Segment 1 of Location 9 is used to enter the number of dial attempts (1 to 15 attempts)
the communicator will make to Phone #2 before ending the notification process. Factory default is "8" and the
communicator will make the same number of attempts as those programmed in location 3.
Segment 2, Phone #2 Backup Control: Programming a "0" in Segment 2 of this location will cause the NX-8 to make
the designated number of attempts to Phone #1 before setting the "Fail To Communicate" condition and stop
reporting. Programming a "1" in this segment will cause the NX-8 to stop trying to communicate after the designated
number of attempts have been made to Phone #2. If a "2" is programmed in this segment, it will cause the NX-8 to
make the dial attempts in increments of two. The first two attempts will be made to Phone #2, the next two attempts to
Phone #1, then repeating until the total number of attempts designated in Segment 1 is completed.