: for best results, use filtered water or in hard water areas, we recommend the use of
bottled water.
use fresh beans and only buy enough for a one to two week supply.
this coffee maker is pre-set for a medium grind and is not adjustable.
Suggested Coffee Measurements
For best results, use a level tablespoon of fresh coffee beans.
Note: One measuring scoop is approximately equal to one tablespoon.
This is our suggested recipe. Adjust the recipe to your taste
To Brew
Whole Bean coffee
Ground Coffee
10 cups
6.5 scoops (50g)
7 scoops
8 cups
5 scoops
5.5 scoops
6 cups
4.5 scoops
5 scoops
4 cups
2.5 scoops
3 scoops
1 cup= 5 oz. of brewed
coffee, Use more or less coffee to suit your
Control Panel
1. auto/on/off
2. hour
3. min
4. LCD
5. grinder on/off
6. 1-4 cup /T.S.B
7. prog
1. auto/on/off
2. hour
3. min
4. LCD
5. grinder on/off
6. 1-4 cup /T.S.B
7. prog