SNOW chemiluminescence exposure
SNOW exposure reduces noise and avoids saturation of the image by taking multiple
exposures and merging them into a single image. This improves the signal to noise ratio.
The level of signal to noise improvement at which the SNOW function stops can be cal-
culated automatically using Auto stop. Alternatively, the user can input the desired
Target improvement ratio. For example, if a Target improvement ratio of 5.0 is entered,
the process will stop when the signal to noise ratio has improved by 5-fold.
In some exposures, the maximum signal to noise ratio might be reached before
the manually set Target improvement ratio is reached. This is seen when the
S/N improvement number curve flattens out. The Target improvement ratio
can be altered during a run or the process can be stopped and the image
saved directly if this happens.
Take an image using SNOW
To capture an image using the SNOW function, use the following steps.
On the Home screen, tap Fluorescence image capture.
Under 1.Select Exposure, tap SNOW™.
If an overlay image of the sample and marker is required, tap the toggle
button next to Colorimetric marker.
Under Advanced settings, change the settings for Binning and Capture
area as required. See
Section 3.3 Advanced settings, on page 41
for more
To save the capture settings for future use, tap Save method. In the popup
window, enter the Name of the method and tap Save.
Tap Start to begin the image pre-capture
Amersham ImageQuant 800 User Manual 29383813 AA
3 Handle methods in ImageQuant 800 control software
3.4 Chemiluminescence image capture
3.4.5 SNOW chemiluminescence exposure