Connect an installer-supplied jumper wire to wire #95. With
the system switch in auto position, push and hold ManuaL
oVer-riDe to start the generator. With the generator
running, connect other end of jumper to a good ground
location such as the engine block. The generator should
shut down and display FC_7 on the system control panel.
Remove the jumper wire. Turn the system switch to off for
30 seconds to clear the fault.
fc_8 - transfer switch fault
(Units with ACCM II or later transfer switch only)
Verify that utility power is present at the automatic transfer
switch. With the system switch in auto position, carefully
remove one of the 2 Amp fuses from the transfer switch.
FC_8 will display on the system control panel. Carefully
reinstall the fuse in the transfer switch, then turn the system
switch to off for 30 seconds to clear the fault.
analyze test results
If any test procedure above does not cause the generator
to shut down and display the indicated fault, repair the fault
condition before putting the unit into service.
fc_6 - engine overspeed
With the system switch in auto position, push and hold
ManuaL oVer-riDe to start the generator. Locate the
governor lever and SLOWLY raise engine speed. Do NOT
change engine speed using the governor adjustment.
When the generator output frequency is 65-70 Hz after
three seconds the generator will shut down and FC_6 will
be displayed on the system control panel. If the generator
output frequency is greater than 70 Hz the generator will
shut down immediately. Turn the system switch to off for
30 seconds to clear the fault.
fc_7 - high temperature
Locate wire #95 connected to the temperature switch.
Shown here is the temperature switch (c) and the oil filter
location (B) for the 12kW generator:
Shown at right is the temperature switch (c) and the oil filter
location (B) for the 15kW generator: