Nuova Via di Piano Comprensorio Vulcano
Sesto San Giovanni, MI 20099 Italy
Tel. 02-24105.001
IS 2653 GB
Connect the gas filling equipment (gas plant or SF6 system for direct filling from gas bottles) to the
filling valve of the bushing flange.
Gradually and slowly increase the gas pressure up to the rated filling pressure value, pressure must be
directly measured on the temperature compensated pressure gauge installed on the bushing.
Stop the gas filling equipment and shut the bottle valves.
In case of use of the DILO machine, check that the machine set-up is for gas filling and that the
connecting pipe is full of SF6.
In the case of direct filling from the bottle, check that the bottle is effectively charged with SF6, that the gas
quantity is sufficient for the re-filling, the pressure reduction unit and the pipe are compatible with the DILO
filling system and all equipment is specific for SF6 filling application and certified for a safe use. Also in this
case, before to connect the equipment to the gas filling station, check that the connecting pipe is effectively
filled by SF6 gas.
The gas re-filling operation MUST be performed with the bushing de-energized and
grounded. Safety prescriptions of Chapter 2 must be followed.