Chapter 7
Page no. 760
GE Healthcare
Senographe DS
Revision 1
Service Information and Procedures Class A 2385072-16-8EN
Job Card ELE A050 - Changing Senographe Internal IP Addresses
14. When prompted for a username and password to access the IDC via FTP, press the
An FTP prompt (>) appears.
15. Change to the
directory on the IDC, by entering:
cd /idc
16. Transfer the updated
file from the AWS
directory to the IDC
directory by enter-
put thisbox.cfg
17. Disconnect the current FTP session with the IDC by entering:
The FTP connection with the IDC closes and you are returned to the usual ADS command prompt in
the command window. You must now reboot the IDC for the changes to take effect.
18. Make a telnet connection with the IDC by entering:
telnet idc
A -> prompt appears.
19. At the -> prompt, reboot the IDC by entering:
cd /idc
and then:
20. Press the
keys simultaneously to close the telnet session, then press the
keys simultaneously to return to the ADS command prompt.
Change Poseidon (Gantry CPU) IP Address
The procedure you use to change the Gantry CPU’s IP address varies slightly depending on the firm-
ware version of Poseidon running on the Gantry CPU board. Proceed as follows:
1. If necessary, power on the Senographe system.
2. Go to the Service Desktop home page (see
3. Note down the Poseidon firmware version for the Gantry CPU, which is located on the right hand side
of the Service Desktop home page.
4. Determine your next step.
5. From behind the Browser, launch a command window (see
Launching a Command Line Window
A command window appears with an ADS prompt.
6. Change to the
directory, by entering:
cd ~swd
7. Make an
directory, by entering:
mkdir isis
8. Change to the
directory, by entering:
cd isis
9. Create an empty text file called
, by entering:
touch envdebug.cfg
the Poseidon firmware version is
less than NSW_5.4.2
go to step 5
greater than or equal to NSW_5.4.2 go immediately to step 15 (skipping steps 5 to 14)